Fulling Mill

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Another "Big fish" pattern. You'll be sure to pull plenty of pike, bass and large trout with this weighted streamer.
59,00 kr
The realistic appearance and durable nature of these flies makes them some of the best flies to have in your box. It's not uncommon for them to lure in all manner of quarry ranging from Stripers, Blues, Bonito, False Albacore to Snook and other species. Tied on the Tiemco 811s, finished with hard epoxy, they're tough too and won't let you down. We offer a wide range, for all conditions, so be sure to stock up.
45,00 kr
A great innovation for pike fly anglers. These new Wiggle Tails from Paolo Pacchiarini have turned conventional pike fly fishing on it’s head - A must have concept for the up-to-date pike fly angler. We tie them on the Sakuma Manta hooks which have the staying power needed, when you're hooked up.
59,00 kr
Essential pattern for targeting Bonefish on the flats. This pink version arguably better imitates the shrimp so aggressively sought by Bones and other flat hunters. In using Tiemco's 811s, we've left little to chance should you strike gold.
29,00 kr 35,00 kr
Poon Bug Rustic är en lite mindre fluga för Tarpon som är "laid up", fiskas långsamt som för att efterlikna en flyende räka. Bunden på Gamakatsu big game SL12 i storlek 1/0.
49,00 kr 59,00 kr
Poontang är designad av saltvattens gurun Ian Slater, ett grymt mönster för Tarpon och många andra arter. Ett bra val då fisken vill ha lite mindre flugor. Binds på Gamakatsu SL 1/0.
49,00 kr 59,00 kr
Ian Slaters grymma Poontastic i oliv färg, kan vara en grym fluga särskilt om de går på lite mindre flugor, eller i hårt fiskade områden. Bunden på Gamakatsu SL12 i #1/0
49,00 kr 59,00 kr
Essential pattern for targeting Bonefish on the flats.
29,00 kr 35,00 kr
Designed by Alphonse guide and Fulling Mill consultant James Christmas, the Sand Prawn is a devastatingly pattern that is effective for a host of Saltwater species. We tie it on the Tiemco 811s, one of the best and most reliable stainless hooks on the market.
35,00 kr 39,00 kr
Designed by Alphonse guide and Fulling Mill consultant James Christmas, the Sand Prawn is a devastatingly pattern that is effective for a host of Saltwater species. We tie it on the Tiemco 811s, one of the best and most reliable stainless hooks on the market.
35,00 kr 39,00 kr
Serges Wrasse Olive är ett välbeprövat mönster som hängt med ett bra tag. Grym för G.T och andra tropiska predatorer. Ordentlig krok i form av Gamakatsu SL12.
59,00 kr 69,00 kr
Using the razor sharp and brutally strong Tiemco 811s, this Brown Shrimp Pattern will be be sure to do the trick when the situation demands it. As with all our bone fish flies, they are not only stunningly well put together, but all designed to help you best match the conditions. Our advice is to stock up on a wide range to avoid disappointment.
29,00 kr 35,00 kr
Använd filtrering Nollställ filtret
Min: 29,00 kr Max: 65,00 kr
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