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Cheech's flag ship pattern. The Cheech Leech was developed, tested and tweaked to perfection of a number of seasons. The secret of this fly is the translucency and overall proportion of the fly. Perfect for large predatory fish looking for a meal.
49,00 kr 59,00 kr
A crab pattern that can be employed to catch permit as well as bonefish, triggerfish, bluefin trevally and even bumphead parrotfish. Crabs are almost impossible to imitate with any real degree of subtlety, but this fly uses a left-field approach. Throw it into the salty water and you'll see what we mean – the fly is almost perfectly camouflaged, as the seabed shows right through it. We've read that permit and other tough cookies like big, spooky bonefish and bluefin trevally fall regularly for this fly because they lose sight of it and then, when they do see it, they fear that it will disappear again, and rush into eating it. Believe me, it is deadly. We offer them in a variety of sizes and shades, all tied on the unbeatable Tiemco 811s which is more than capable of landing any of the above, although, if it is the Triggers you are after, take spares as they will munch through just about anything given enough time.
45,00 kr
Probably one of the best known crab patterns which has accounted for many big fish. This 'Yarn Crab' style fly is still going strong. Tied on our Timeco 811s hooks, this remains one of the best flies for targeting big Bones the world over.
45,00 kr
Essential pattern for targeting Bonefish on the flats. This brightly coloured shrimp imitation strikes gold time and again. Tied on the Tiemco 811s, it'll hold them too.
29,00 kr 35,00 kr
The Gotcha is perhaps the most popular bonefish fly ever designed, and has accounted for thousands of bonefish for anglers worldwide. This simple and very effective pattern belongs in the box of every bonefish angler, and tying the Gotcha in a variety of sizes, weights, and colours will help anglers match local fishing conditions. This stealth version is slightly lighter than our standard gotcha, useful for shallower waters.
35,00 kr 39,00 kr
As the name suggests, this fly is famous for landing a Grand Slam in Salt Water terms, that means you can use it to target Bonefish, Tarpon and Permit. Tied on the Tiemco 811s we have paired a lethal pattern with one of the best hooks available for this medium of fishing. Each hook features precision-ground, chemically sharpened points and low profile barbs. Straight eye, standard length, extra-strong, forged.
49,00 kr
A classic crab pattern which will work for a multitude of Saltwater species. Overseen by the watchful Peter MacLeod of the eponymous Aardvaark McLeod, this fly has been a huge. Tied on the Tiemco 811s, a top flight Saltwater hook for sure.
45,00 kr
A deadly GT pattern that has been developed by Mike Reiser.
65,00 kr 69,00 kr
One of our house favourites, largely owing to the brilliant name which has seen it repeatedly make it into the best sellers since it's introduction in 2011. The pattern itself has proven to be highly effective. An essential pattern for targeting flats species such as bonefish and permit but also great with bread and butter species such as flathead, bream and snapper.
35,00 kr 39,00 kr
The Itchy Trigger is designed to catch Trigger Fish and has the irons to prove it. It will sink fast and imitate a number of prey species - fish it dead slow or 'do nothing' and it imitates a crab or the head of a small mantis shrimp. Twitch it back short and fast, and it imitates a small fleeing shrimp. Make sure your leader is strong and tough - these fish live in tiger country. Ideally tied on with a loop knot, the Itchy Trigger comes alive with the sligthest of twitches so you can 'feed' the fish.
29,00 kr 35,00 kr
Tied on the Tiemco 811s, this is an effective general purpose Baitfish pattern that many saltwater predators find hard to resist. From Bones abroad, to Bass at home, its well worth having a few of these in the armoury.
45,00 kr
The Magnetic Minnow is a large-profile pattern made in black and purple entirely from holo fusion with a very large diameter holographic eye epoxied for durability. Designed to imitate a purple grouper, it is a very simple pattern but the flash in the body in bright sunlight is simply stunning and gives the pattern a very lifelike sheen. It is a substantial mouthful, but the synthetics do not absorb water at all and it is surprisingly easy to cast.
55,00 kr
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